Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I started this blog last week with the intention of updating it regularly every Monday.  If you are not one of those lucky few still trapped in the timeless vortex of summer vacation, you may have at some point today noticed that it is not Monday but is, in fact, Wednesday.  I apologize for my tardiness even though you most likely knew nothing about my self-imposed deadline (I never told anyone my intended schedule, so if you did know about my plan it would indicate some sort of psychic ability on your part and I'd imagine you'd probably be more concerned with that development than the progress of this experimental doodle blog of mine).
Anyway, these last couple of days I was helping my little sister (code name: Booger) move into her first ever college dorm.  You met her in the snow fort picture in my previous post (she's the blonde-haired, orange-jacketed one), but she looks a smidge different now, so here's a more recent picture of her from just this last weekend, moving into her dorm:
She's carrying two basic dorm-room staples: a giant jar of cheese balls and a hedgehog puppet.  She's clearly as prepared as any college student could ever hope to be.

Congratulations, Booger, and you're going to do AWESOME in college. <3

And now a picture of a little girl with a big dog:

Monday, August 16, 2010


Hi, my name is Kendra.  I like to make pictures on my computer.  This is one of me with my dog, Fezzik:


And this is a picture of me and my family, dressed weather-inappropriately and ready for battle:

We're standing behind a snow fort because I was having trouble drawing legs that day.

This is a picture of my dad:


Now that you know who I am, let me tell you what this site is supposed to be.  I'm totally new to blogging, and to be completely honest, the very idea of it kind of weirds me out.  Publishing a blog seems to me to be the equivalent of standing in the middle of a very very crowded room, waving your arms around in the air and shouting, "LOOK AT ME!  LOOK AT ME!  I HAVE VERY IMPORTANT THINGS TO SAY!"  Which is absolutely fine, except for the fact that I'm not much of a shouter.  Also I don't have anything important to say.  I just have a growing folder of drawings on my computer that does nothing but create a screensaver slideshow, and I thought I'd put some of those pictures here instead.

In conclusion:


Thank you for your time, and I hope you come back soon.