Saturday, February 26, 2011

how is it still morning

Hello there, World!

This past week I was off doing inventory for my store.

Well, not MY store, but for ANOTHER store of the same company.

Which was oddly fun for what a tedious job scanning every single piece of merchandise in a giant building is.

But that’s not the point.  The point is that these were overnight inventories, starting at 9:00 pm and ending most days at around 8:00 am.  So I basically went nocturnal for the week.

But today (last night) was the last day (night) and so now I need to kick myself back into a regular sleep schedule.  And so I WILL NOT SLEEP TODAY UNTIL A REASONABLE BEDTIME.

Today will be a day of lots of caffeine.

Which actually won’t be all that different from a normal day.

Anyway, I’ve decided to draw some pictures in all the extra time I have, since I'm actually awake at a respectable hour today.

I've decided that if I ever get a tattoo, it will probably be a giraffe.  I love those animals just that much.  The problem is that I can't really figure out where on my body to place a giraffe.  My first thought was that it would go on my upper arm because it made me chuckle to think that my giraffe's head would be covered up whenever I wore any shirt with sleeves (which is basically always), so you'd only be able to see a giraffe body sticking out.  Then I thought that doing that would be the only thing stupider than getting a giraffe tattoo in the first place.  So I think I'll need to do some more thinking before doodling on myself with the most permanent of permanent markers.  Plus, I want to design the tattoo myself, and I still have a lot of trouble drawing giraffe bodies (even after all these years of giraffe doodling!).  That's sort of why the above picture conveniently captures the beast only down to its neck.  No artistic reasoning.  Just laziness.

I have a theory that very sketchy pictures look more impressive than not-so-sketchy pictures.  I think it creates an illusion that I know how to draw better than I actually do.

This one is called "ACTUALLY".

Lalala, I think that's all the drawing I'm going to do today.

Have a wonderful day, you.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Well, hello there!

It's sure been a while.

Here's the thing: in addition to the previously explained facts that I'm not great at time management, super lazy, and a terrible person, I also got a new toy.  It's a tablet thingy that makes it so I can draw without a computer mouse (if that's not the technical phrasing, I don't know what is).  I draw with a "pen" on the tablet, and it shows up on my screen.

Which is potentially awesome.

Once I figure out how to use it.

The best I've managed with it so far is this:

The moral of this picture is that I apparently don't know what frogs look like.

Anyway, hopefully by next week I'll have figured this newfangled technology out and grown some discipline.  Toodle pip!