Monday, October 18, 2010


Good news!

I got a job!
I won’t tell you where though, because I like to feign anonymity here, even though pretty much anyone who reads this knows very well who I am.  But I’m going to pretend it’s top secret anyway, just for funs.

Bad news!

For some reason the program I use to make my drawings is acting super weird.  I updated it and now when I try to fill in color this happens:
I bet you’re wondering what story THAT picture was illustrating!  Well now due to my technical difficulties YOU WILL NEVER KNOW.

Well, you’ll NEVER KNOW until I fix this problem.


So I guess I’ll just be posting some old pictures today, with very little commentary because I’m a bit frustrated and also I drank too much coffee and it feels like my brain is playing hopscotch.  So here goes:
I wish I had words about this picture that I could put here, but I don’t, so here are some other words instead: This weekend my garbage disposal broke and I had to call emergency maintenance to come fix it, which the guy managed to do in about five seconds.  We had accidentally ground up a shot glass or two, which is an action garbage disposals apparently frown upon.

Live and learn.

Lady frog, lady frog, what are you staring at, lady frog?

All right, that’s all from me!  Sorry about this sad, sad post.

I hate technology.


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