Monday, December 20, 2010

Holiday Rush

I work in retail and let me tell you, it is crazy busy this time of year.

It’s interesting, though, because I hate shopping and I hate crowds, so if I were to try to get some presents bought in my store right now it would be a terrible terrible nightmare for me. But for some (lucky) reason, working in the rush there doesn’t bother me at all.  Probably because I don’t have to deal with the stress of finding the specific item I’m looking for while maneuvering my cart through aisles and around other customers, and waiting in long long lines to finally get out of the store.

And a bonus of the holiday rush is that I’ve been getting pretty good hours, which brings me to my next point: TODAY IS AN OLD DRAWINGS DAY!  I’ve been working a lot and trying to figure out Christmas presents and just generally ignoring my blog.  So old, random pictures it is!

It doesn’t snow here.  It rains, but that’s not the same.  I want eventually to live somewhere where it snows, and where it has trees that take autumn seriously.  I like real seasons.

I went to college in Los Angeles, and my first year there it “snowed” one day.  It was more like very small hail, but everyone got super excited and started running around outside in their bathing suits.  Some people tried to make snow angels, but that just made it melt faster and they were shouted at for ruining winter, so they stopped.

I don’t know anything about dance.  I took ballet and tap and some jazz as a little kid, but I was never very good at any of it (there are some pretty funny video tapes of my dance recitals where everyone else is grinning their Performance Smiles and I’m scowling in concentration as I lag one beat behind).  So probably what the lady in this drawing is doing isn’t any kind of real dance move at all, and so  I apologize to any Real Dancers in the audience.  I was just playing with reflection.

One time in dance class the teacher asked us all how many beats you counted before starting over again and I expected everyone to know the answer so I shouted out “EEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIIGGGHHHHTT” in that elongated sing-song way that you do when you expect to be speaking along with a class.  But apparently I was the only one who knew the answer, and so I just ended up whale-speaking the number at the teacher by myself.  There was a kind of awkward pause and then she said, “Yes...very good, Kendra...eight,” and moved on.

This is an uncompleted picture that I just found in my folder of drawings.  Yes, you are correct: it is a picture of me sniffing crayons.  I’m pretty sure it was meant to illustrate my addiction to art supplies, but it somehow got lost and forgotten.  SO HERE IT IS NOW because I think it’s funny.

Okay, that’s all.  BUT:

 Next week I’ll probably not be posting anything because I expect to be exhausted.  The minute I get out of work Christmas Eve, I’m starting my long long drive home to SoCal, which is going to be long longer because it’ll probably be raining like crazy and also the roads will be filled with all the other holiday crazies who are hunched over their steering wheels with “I’ll Be Home For Christmas” blasting on repeat. Then I’ll have Christmas Day at home, and I’ll be spending the 26th driving back up through rain and traffic so I’m able to show up on time for work the next day (unless my manager manages to work the schedule like she’s trying to do to give me next Monday off too, which would be awesome, in which case I’ll be making my mad journey on the 27th instead of the 26th.  But I’m still not going to be posting anything next week, SO THERE).  Just thought I’d warn you, since I tried to sneakily miss last week without saying anything and a few people surprisingly called me out on it.

Which was rather flattering.

Anyway, have a good pre-Christmas week and try not to go nuts if you still have shopping to get done!


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