Monday, September 27, 2010

Me and my pal Caffeine

Every so often I try to go a day without drinking any coffee.  Usually this idea doesn’t really materialize as a concrete plan, but more as a lazy and hazy unwillingness to go through the process of setting up my coffee machine or wait in line at a coffee shop.  I get myself up and ready, and since I’m able to remember how to open the front door and I don’t fall down the stairs on my way outside, I’m able to briefly convince myself that I am stronger than a morning cup of coffee.

Except I'm not.

I am, in fact, much much weaker, as becomes apparent after about half an hour outside my apartment.  I don’t know why I keep trying to fight it because it always ends up the same way: I get a headache right in the middle of my forehead, my eyelids start drooping, and this image takes up permanent residence in my mind:
It was especially bad when I was still in college because about five minutes into a morning lecture I would stop taking notes and would instead start drawing out elaborate plans detailing the quickest route to the best coffee shop, and counting out coins under my desk.  But now that I’m not in school and I have no job, it just means that I get to sit here in the public library, one hand supporting my nodding head, and the other wearily drawing a picture of an ideal world where I have a giant cup of coffee for a BFF and the sun wears fashionable eyewear.

You can't tell from the picture, but my sun also wears sunblock.

Since my head hurts, I think I'm just going to post some of my old pictures:
This is an artist.  You can tell by her funny hair.

Oh, and I guess also by her paintbrush and easel.

I just realized I forgot to draw her paint.  I guess this particular artist lives life on the edge, walking from the palette in one room to the canvas in the other, daring--daring--the paint to side with gravity and fall on the carpet along the way.
I feel like I should write something here.

And now it’s time for me to cave like the weakling I am and go purchase an iced latte.  I think I’ll ignore the fact that I don’t have a job and buy the biggest size because I’m in an overcompensating mood.  Have a lovely day!


  1. next time, try your iced latte with an add shot and two pumps of toffee nut syrup

    i miss you

  2. are you wearing your giraffe shirt in the first picture? <3


    I will try toffee nut FOR SURE. I've always wished I knew enough about coffee to ask for something special, but I usually just stick to "ICED LATTE THANKS PLEASE" because I don't know better.

    And it IS my giraffe shirt! I drew it close up, then zoomed out and was like, "Oh. You can't even really see it." So I'm glad you noticed it and the effort was not wasted. <3
