Wednesday, November 24, 2010


It’s cold, it’s cold, it’s really really cold.

And I’m told it’s not even the coldest it’s going to be.

Now, I like cold weather.  I much prefer it to hot weather.  It’s just that I’m from Southern California, where I was able to get by with a winter wardrobe of jeans and sweatshirts.  I rarely had an umbrella, which was fine because a hood mostly sufficed (plus, I’ve had a lingering dislike for umbrellas since high school, where umbrella-level for everyone else was face-level for me, which got pokey fast).

Every time it rained, I would mention vaguely that I should buy some galoshes, but since it probably wasn’t going to rain again until the next year, I never got around to it, and so my footwear mainly remained less-than-waterproof sneakers.  But now I’m living quite a bit north of home, and apparently my not-so-winter clothes just aren’t going to cut it.  Because I am freezing.

I kept trying to write this post earlier this week, but my fingers got so cold so quickly that I gave up multiple times and opted instead to watch TV just so I could sit on my hands to warm them up.

A bonus is that when my hands get cold, they turn blue.  It starts in my fingernails, and if it’s REALLY cold, the color starts creeping down towards my knuckles.  It used to happen a lot in my classrooms that way overcompensated for the summer heat by setting the air conditioner to Antarctica.  I almost started bringing gloves to class mid-summer.

And it's not just my hands that change color like a mood ring.  My legs turn purplish, as I learned in high school when stretching before basketball practice in the winter.  My lips turn blue too, especially when I'm swimming.

Which I will not be doing any time soon, for fear of turning into an ice cube.

Basically I’m like a tree, only instead of turning orange for autumn, I turn blue for winter.

Speaking of trees:

Goodbye, yellow, orange, and red trees!  I will miss you when you’re gone!


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