Monday, June 27, 2011

So a funny thing happened

and I basically forgot that I had a blog.

It was weird.  One day I was updating and wondering what my next post should be about, and the next...well, the next I wasn't.  The fact that this thing even exists was simply erased from my brain until my mom was eventually like, "Sooooo I've been checking on your blog, but there hasn't been anything new for a while now."

And I was like, ""

And then it all flooded back to me and I was all, "OH I HAVE A BLOG."

But by that point I was so out of the rhythm of updating (not that I ever really settled into an actual rhythm anyway) that I couldn't get myself to sit down and make something new.

Plus, this has been me all day every day for the past couple of months:

That and folding towels.

But hopefully now that I've updated again I'll have it back in my brain that I HAVE A BLOG AND A BLOG IS NOT A BLOG IF NO ONE IS BLOGGING IT.

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