Monday, September 20, 2010

How Breakfast Ruined My Day

I started Saturday off with the very best of intentions: I was going to wake up early and spend the day writing my next blog post so that on Sunday all I would have to do is draw a few pictures.  I woke up on time and everything was going smoothly until I made the fateful eat breakfast.

Now, I’m not a monster--I know that breakfast is not in itself a bad thing.  It can be a very good thing--heck, along with lunch and dinner, it’s one of my favorite meals of the day.  But sometimes breakfast is a jerk.  This is one of those times.

The thing is, I cannot work while eating a meal.  In my brain, mealtimes are designated break-times and to even think about thinking otherwise is unthinkable.  So since I had decided to begin my day with a nutritious breakfast, I could not in good conscience start my intended blogging right away.  And this is where my productive day began to slide downhill.  Because before doing anything else I had to take a break.

...from sleeping.

After slaving away in the kitchen for five minutes, I came out with a bowl of cold cereal and a mug of hot coffee, and set up my laptop to watch an episode of Firefly online.  When I finished my episode, I decided to check my email, you know, since I had the internet open and everything.  But, as always happens, checking my email quickly turned into checking my Facebook and wandering aimlessly around the internet, and before I knew it, I heard my stomach grumbling again.  I looked at my watch--I lie; I don’t have a watch--I looked at the upper right-hand corner of my computer screen and saw that it was lunchtime.

Well, we’re all familiar with the no work while eating law that governs my existence, and so obviously I had to watch another episode of Firefly.  There really was no other choice.  So I ate my lunch and I watched my show, and then I decided it would be best to ease myself into getting to work by washing the dishes that have piled up in the sink since I moved in.
I hate washing dishes (even though you might not be able to tell it from the picture) and so by the time I was done with them, I felt like I really really deserved a break.  I’d worked hard!  I’d cleaned dishes from when I cooked chicken the night before, dang it!

And so I returned to my laptop for a Facebook and internet-wandering break.  I didn’t set a time limit for my break, though, so by the time I remembered there was something I was supposed to be doing, it was late afternoon, I was still sitting on my bed in my pajamas, and I had not done any work at all on my blog.  My brain was no longer in the gung-ho let’s write mood that it was in earlier, before that ill-advised breakfast.  It was more in the let’s spend hours on the internet doing nothing mood.  It was like I physically could not get myself to start writing.
I finally gave up and accepted that nothing was going to get done.  I’d have to do the whole blasted thing, drawings and all, on Sunday.

So I watched another episode of Firefly, cursing breakfast all the while.

Aaaaand because I feel like there weren't enough pictures this week:

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